Thursday, September 27, 2012

81 Things to do before I die

AKA My bucket list. 

I've been working on my bucket list since November last year so it's definitely a work in progress.

There are soooo many things I still want to do in my life and I think by writing and confessing them, they are more likely to happen. Life is short so I want to make the most of every opportunity.

There are currently 81 items on my bucket list. I will continue updating as time goes on. 

Sports and Athletics

1. Do an extreme sport. ✓ In March 2012 I went white water rafting for the first time in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

2. Run a marathon. 

3. Take up a new sport.  ✓ I played badminton for the first time in May 2011 but I never continued with it. 

4. Learn to play golf properly. 

5. Learn to play tennis. 

Language and Culture 

6. Learn a new language.  ✓ Started learning Korean, Feb 2010. 

7. Learn Spanish properly. 

8. Learn sign language. 

9. Learn to use chopsticks.   Learnt how to use chopsticks literally 2 weeks before leaving for Korea. My good friend J'son Li taught me. 

Music, Song and Dance 

10. Be a competitive dancer.  ✓  Started competing in 2009. 

11. Be a professional dancer.

12. Be in a musical.

13. Dance in a music video for a famous singer.

14. Learn to play the piano. 

15. Go to a concert.  ✓ My first concert ever. November, 2011. Asia Song Festival: Daegu, South Korea. 

16. Go to a Halloween party.  ✓ October 2010 and 2011. First Halloween party ever: South Korea. 


17. Buy rollerblades and go rollerblading.

18. Fly in a helicopter

19. Go trekking (hiking) in a forest.  ✓ Northern Chiang Mai, Thailand. March 2012. 

20. Ride a horse. 

21. Ride a roller coaster.  ✓ Sentosa Island, Singapore: July 2011. 

22. Go on a roadtrip. 

23. Ride an elephant.  ✓ Thailand, July 2010 and March 2012.  

24. Ride a camel. 

25. Ride in a hot air balloon. 

26 Go camping in the woods. 

27. Sleep in a hammock.

28. Stay awake for 24 hours straight.  ✓ Friday NY Eve, Saturday NY Day, Sunday my birthday. Enough said. December-2010 - January 2011. 

29. Experience true love.

30. Find my soulmate.

31. Stay awake for 48 hours straight. 


32. Explore a castle.

33. Climb the great wall of China.  ✓ In May 2011 I climbed the wall with good friend Reneldon Moodley on our trip to Beijing, China. 

34. Travel Africa 

35. Experience the Rio carnival in Brazil.

36. Go to the full-moon party in Thailand.

37. Fly first-class.

38. Live overseas for an extended period of time.  Feb 2010 - Feb 2010: Lived and worked in South Korea. 

39. Travel Asia. ✓ Feb 2010 - March 2012 (South Korea, Thailand, China and Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia). 

40. Visit America. (New York and California first on the list). 

41. Take my parents on a vacation abroad. 

42. Experience a sunset in all its glory ✓ The closest I've come is watching the sun set over the Angkor temples in Siem Reap, Cambodia. March 2012. 

43. Go where the road takes me.

44. Visit the pyramids in Egypt. 

45. Visit the Eiffel Tower. 

46. Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

47. Live as a local in South America (Brazil or Argentina). 

48. Visit the Taj Mahal. 

49. See the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco.

50. Visit all 7 continents of the world. (Latin America, North America, Antarctica, Australia and Europe remain). 

51. Visit Robben Island. 

52. Visit a desert. 

53. Visit all 9 provinces in South Africa. (North-West, Northern Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Free-State remain).

54. Live in Cape Town, South Africa. 


55. Appear in a Magistrates court. 

56. Appear in a High court.

57. Appeal in the Supreme court of appeal

58. Appear in the Consitutional court.  

59. Be recognized as an authority in Environmental  law.

60. Be an admitted (licensed) attorney.

61.  Invest in the stock market.

62. Buy my first car. 

63. Have my dream home. 

64. Start my own business. 


65. Work in the entertainment industry.  

66.  Be on TV.  

67.  Be in a movie.  ✓ In 2009 I was an extra in 2 locally made movies. 'For better, for worse' and 'My Secret Sky'.  

68. Be in a newspaper. Had my University graduation pic in the community news section of the newspaper. April 2009 ^^ 

69. Have 250 page views on at least one of my blogs.  My Korea blog: Life in The Fast Lane

70. Have 500 page views on at least one of my blogs.  ✓ My Korea blog: Life in the Fast Lane

71. Have 600 page views on at least one of my blogs.  ✓ My Korea blog: Life in The Fast Lane

72. Have 750 page views on at least one of my blogs.  ✓ My Korea blog: Life in The Fast Lane and My Health & Fashion blog: Face It

73. Have 1000 page views on at least one of my blogs. 

74. Take a photography course. 

75. Learn how to play chess. 

76. Start a blog.  ✓ Started December 2011. 

77. Start Yoga.  ✓ Started in April 2011 with good friend Fay-Lee Hutchinson.     

78. Fly a kite.

79. Go camping.

80. Be in a magazine. 

81. Read the bible from cover to cover. 

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