In my third month back in South Africa, I was anxious, I was bored and I wanted to be fabulous again. I needed something to do and I needed to do it fast. My lifeline came in the form of my dear cousin Rachel (Ray) who invited me on a trip to Johannesburg to visit her sister Gen and her (Gen's) husband, TK. Gen had also previously asked me to visit her and TK.
Of course I was immediately excited by this. I had never been to Jo'burg before. I was excited to see if everything I heard about the city was true. Some people thought my excitement was quite sad. Jo'burg is, after all, considered one of the party capitals of South Africa. It's also the entertainment hub of the country where all the rich and famous are based, but apart from that there's really nothing else that entices me.
So off we went on Tuesday June 18 at 10:30 pm, ready to take on this giant of a city. I was all kitted out in my wongas, bohemian beanie and a killer attitude. We took a 6 hour bus from Pietermaritzburg all the way to Midrand (somewhere in between Jo'burg and Pretoria). We arrived at 5 am- cold, half asleep and still lookin' fly. We were picked up about 15 mins later and whisked away to what was to be our home for the next week or so. Randburg. A nice suburb just outside the CBD. My first impressions of the city: big, cold and far too many people.
My day ended before it began. We were so bushed so we naturally spent half of the day sleeping before waking up at about 3 pm in time to cook and sort our lives out. Highlight of my day was seeing the Coca-Cola Dome (gosh I sound so lame,but there's more lameness to come!) I had to stare at it for a few mins before realizing it was time to go. For those who don't know the Dome, it's a multi purpose events venue, but it's used mainly for concerts and shows.
On Wednesday I decided to venture out a little. I convinced my cousin to go for a walk with me to Northgate Mall (which coincidentally is across from the Dome). In my mind I knew how to get there. Up the road, turn right, turn left and then straight for about a kilometer. Well, a third of the way there I realized this trip is not happening. I admitted to my cousin that I underestimated the distance so we settled on having coffee at a little bread-and-milk mall which we had stumbled on en-route to the 'mall by the dome'.
While sipping on my cappuccino, I received a call that was going to change my life, at least for the next few months. I was invited to an interview for the job that I have now. The interview was scheduled for the following Tuesday. I was ecstatic and over the moon! After almost 4 months I was finally making progress. I didn't realize it would be so difficult trying to secure a job in the middle of the year. Nevertheless, I was really excited just to be going to the interview!
I finished my drink on the edge of glory. Hyper and excited. I later learned that I was one of two candidates being interviewed and I knew that I stood a good chance of actually getting the job.
I walked back home hurridly so I could start preparing for the interview. I went to bed tired, dreaming of a day well spent wandering around the streets of Randburg and the prospects of a new job.
Read about my other adventures in the big city and see which local celebrities I met!! ^^